Philippine Transparency Seal

A pearl buried inside a tightly-shut shell is practically worthless. Government information is a pearl, meant to be shared with the public in order to maximize its inherent value.

The Transparency Seal, depicted by a pearl shining out of an open shell, is a symbol of a policy shift towards openness in access to government information. On the one hand, it hopes to inspire Filipinos in the civil service to be more open to citizen engagement; on the other, to invite the Filipino citizenry to exercise their right to participate in governance.

This initiative is envisioned as a step in the right direction towards solidifying the position of the Philippines as the Pearl of the Orient – a shining example for democratic virtue in the region.

II. Annual Report

A. Physical Targets and Accomplishments

1. BED 2: Physical Targets

2. BAR 1: Physical Report of Operations

B. Financial Reports

1. Financial Statements

2. FAR 1: Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances

3. FAR 1A: Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditures

4. FAR 1B: Consolidated List of Allotments and Sub-allotments

5. FAR 1C: Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances for Inter-agency Fund Transfers

6. FAR 3: Aging of Due and Demandable Obligations

7. FAR 4: Monthly Report of Disbursements

8. FAR 5: Quarterly Report on Revenue and Other Receipts

9. FAR 6: Statement of Approved Budget, Utilization

10. Financial Plan: BED 1 (Obligation Program)

11. Summary of Disbursements and Income

12. Statement of Allotment, Obligations and Balances

13. MDS Utilization

14. Report on the Receipt and Utilization

15. Report on Aging of Cash Advances

16. COVID-19

Status of Funds Used for COVID-19

  • Statement of Allotments, Obligations, Disbursement, and Balances (SAODB) of COVID-19 Funds

17. Agency Action Plan and Status of Implementation of COA Audit Recommendation

III. DBM Approved Budget and Targets

A. GAA Budget

B. GAA Targets

IV. Programs, Projects AND Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of Implementation

A. Programs and Projects

B. Status of Implementation

C. Medical Assistance Program Beneficiaries

D. Other Programs and Projects

E. List of Programs, Projects and Activities

V. Annual Procurement Plan/s and Contracts Awarded with the Winning Supplier, Contractor or Consultant

A. Annual Procurement Plan

B. Contracts Awarded with the Winning Supplier, Contractor or Consultant

C. Las Piñas Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center: 2023

VI. Quality Management System

A. QMS Manual (DOH ISO Website)

B. ISO Certification

C. Licensing Process

D. DOH Quality and Integrity Policy

VII. PBB System of Ranking Delivery Units and Individuals

VIII. DOH Compliance with SEC. 93 (Transparency Seal) RA NO. 10155 (General Apropriations Act 2012)

  • Posting Requirements for FY 2015 GAA


  • Directory of Civil Society Organizations