
Philippine Standard Time

Year: 2022
Name of Person/Entity: CPG Contractor Services
Project: Construction of Marawi City Health Unit – Infrastructure package under Emergency Assistance for Reconstruction and Recovery of Marawi (EARRM) – Health Component of the ADB Administered Grant Funds
Contract Amount: Php 19,877,939.34
Offense/Violations: Failure of the contractor, due solely to his fault or negligence, to mobilize and start work or performance within the specified period in the Notice to Proceed (“NTP”), Failure by the contractor to fully and faithfully comply with its contractual obligations without valid cause, or failure by the contractor to comply with any written lawful instruction of the procuring entity or its representative(s) pursuant to the impl, Poor performance by the contractor or unsatisfactory quality and/or progress of work arising from his fault or negligence as reflected in the CPES rating sheet – Negative slippage of 15%.
Sanction/s or Penalty Imposed: SUSPENDED/DISQUALIFIED from participating in all government procurement for a period of one (1) year from December 21, 2022 to December 21, 2023
Period of Suspension: 2022-12-21 00:00:00