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Healthy Pilipinas positions itself as the go-to source of credible actionable information. We empower healthier lifestyle choices enabling Filipinos to take control of their health through education and supporting other advocacies, and extending it to our brand partners.
More about Health is Life
7 Healthy Habits
Seven Healthy Habits Na Go Na Go!
The DOH envisions a Healthy Pilipinas where healthy behaviors are the easier choice for everyone, every time, everywhere! Get to know the Seven Healthy Habits and the Health is Life campaign!

Move More, Eat Right!
A life lived long and healthy starts with a balanced diet and enough exercise. A healthy diet and exercise protects you from obesity and non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancers, diabetes, kidney disease, among others.

Be Clean, Live Sustainably
The environment, climate, and disasters can have a great impact on health. Putting focus on personal hygiene, cleaner surroundings and sustainable living can greatly improve the health of the individual and the community.

Get Vaccinated
Immunization is the best protection against vaccine preventable diseases for all ages.

Don’t Smoke, Avoid Alcohol, Say No to Drugs
Substance Abuse can be defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes. The overwhelming effects of substance abuse on individuals, families and societies demands an effective mechanism of deterrence.

Care for Yourself, Care for Others
There is no health without mental health. Our mental health is an integral part of our overall health and it is necessary that we take care of it. Remember, your mental health matters.

Practice Safe Sex
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) is fundamental to one’s overall health and well-being. People must be able to make informed decisions about their SRH, and be assured that their human rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled. Good SRH requires positive and respectful approaches to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as sexual experiences that are pleasurable, safe, and free from violence. This includes the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to reproduce.

Do No Harm, Put Safety First
A culture of safety is one which puts safety first, above everything else. A positive safety culture instills “Do No Harm, Put Safety First” behavior in every citizen.