The PMHN is an inter-agency, multi-stakeholder network for migrant health, composed of members from the government and non-government agencies as well as the academe, civil society organizations, private sector and international organizations

It functions to:

  • Discuss ideas, experiences and perspectives on migrant health issues and provide recommendations to appropriate agencies/organizations;
  • Advocate and lobby support for migrant health program and issues;
  • Develop and review proposals of migrant health related projects for resource mobilization; and
  • Establish migrant health research agenda and review research proposals.

Guiding Principles

  1. Health is fundamental human right. Rights-based, evidence-based, gender-responsive, and stigma-free migration health policies and programs shall be considered at all stages of migration.
  2. Equitable access to health services for all. Comprehensive migrant-sensitive services shall be accessible across all typologies of migrants at the different phases of the migration cycle.
  3. Mainstreaming of migration and health at the local level. Migrant health shall be institutionalized and harmonized in all Local Government Units
  4. Nothing about us, without us. Migrants and their families shall have proactive involvement in the migrant health policy and planning process.
  5. We are stronger together. Migrant health is a multi-sectoral, multilateral, and multi-level concern.
  6. Dedicated to adhering to the international commitment to migrant health. The network is dedicated to adhering to and supporting the international commitment of the Philippines to migrant health, not only as a migrant-sending country but also as a migrant-receiving country


Healthy migrants with healthy families in healthy communities.


To guarantee an enabling environment for migrants and their families to access health.


To improve the access of migrants and their families to quality health services across the migration cycle.


  1. To strengthen the delivery of health services for migrants and their families.
  2. To improve awareness, practices, and health-seeking behavior of migrants and their families.
  3. To establish a supportive environment for the planning and implementation of programs for migrants and their families.


  1. Establish a cohesive network of competent healthcare providers to provide a continuum of gender-responsive, and migrant-sensitive healthcare across the migration cycle.
  2. Intensify advocacy and promotion of migrant health for various groups, stakeholders, and target audiences.
  3. Improve leadership and governance in support of the Philippine Migrant Health Program’s (PMHP) implementation.
  4. Strengthen Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning

Key Results Areas:

Strategy 1: Establish a cohesive network of competent healthcare providers to provide a continuum of gender-responsive, and migrant-sensitive healthcare across the migration cycle.

  • Migrants’ health needs identified, and the package of services defined
  • Availability, capacity and accessibility of migrant health care and services mapped and assessed
  • Migrant sensitive health care and services integrated in the existing Health Care Provider Network (HCPN)
  • Migrant sensitive health care and services at the key destination country strengthened

Strategy 2: Intensify advocacy and promotion of migrant health for various groups, stakeholders, and target audiences.

  • 2.1 PMHN Communication plan developed and operationalized
  • 2.2 Knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of migrants towards their health and that of their families improved
  • Migrant health sensitive program advocated at the Local Health System

Strategy 3: Improve leadership and governance in support of the Philippine Migrant Health Program’s (PMHP)

  • 3.1 Supportive and gender-responsive policy, plan and financing mechanism in place
  • 3.2 Multi-sectoral coordination/collaboration mechanism functional at local, national and international levels

Strategy 4: Strengthen Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning

  • 4.1 Migrant health data and information enhanced and disseminated
  • 4.2 Migrant health program implementation status monitored and evaluated
  • 4.3 Relevant migrant health researches completed

PMHN Structure

  • Steering Committee
  • Technical Working Group (TWG)
  • Secretariat (Migrant Health Unit)