Department of Health
Health Facility Development Bureau

Dr. Ma. Theresa De Guzman-Vera, as Director IV of the Bureau, exercises authority on health facility development and has supervision and control over the Bureau’s operations. The Director sets the Bureau’s strategic directions and steers the formulation of its plans, policies, programs, standards and systems for the establishment, development, operations and maintenance of health facilities.
Before the HFDB, Director Tess Vera helmed the Health Human Resource Development Bureau (2018), and the Procurement Service and Central Office Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat (2009-2018). She served as Medical Officer for the Bureau of Health Facilities and Services (2000-2009) and Hospital Operations and Management Service (1994-2000).
She began her career as resident physician to Don Manuel Lopez Memorial District Hospital in Balayan, Batangas in 1986. She moved to the Department’s office in Region IV in 1989 as Medical Specialist, then to the Family Planning Service in 1992.
Director Vera earned her medical degree from the University of the East, and she has masteral degrees from Mahidol University (Bangkok, Thailand) and the University of the Philippines’ College of Public Health. The Career Executive Service Board moved her rank to CESO III in 2018.
The Administrative Unit is headed by an Administrative Officer IV and staffed with administrative assistants and aides. The Unit carries out the directives and instructions of the Director, who exercises operational supervision and control of the Bureau. It also fully supports the performance of the respective tasks and assignments of the Bureau’s divisions.