Department of Health
Health Facility Development Bureau
The Administration Service follows the following core functions:
- Develop policies, standards, programs and plans development for health facility management and health integration of health facilities, whether public or private, at all levels of health care including primary care, diagnostic, tertiary hospitals, treatment and rehabilitation centers, and support facilities such as water treatment stations, waste management facilities and the like
Leader in Health Facility Development recognized in South East Asia (SEA) by 2030 and Asia by 2040
Health Facility Development Bureau is a team of driven, innovative, and competent professionals that develops policies, plans, standards, and programs; provides technical advisory services and capability building for safe, resilient, and sustainable health services and facilities to ensure universal access to quality health care
Facility Performance Management Division
Facility Performance Management Division
Division Functions
Per Department Personnel Order No. 2019-1259, as amended on September 15, 2021, the following are the functions of the Facility Performance Management Division (FPMD):
Collect, analyze, and use relevant performance data health facilities and research evidence in health facility management, operations, and decision-making processes;
Develop, design, manage, and maintain health facilities’ national performance and quality metrics;
Generate and disseminate intelligence products in support for the health facility policies, standards, and plans development, and executive/legislative measures on health facility development; and
Provide technical assistance and capacitate health facilities on operations research, performance management, and quality metrics development.
Programs, Projects, & Initiatives Programs
Coordination of Health Facility Development Units
Development of Green and Safe Health Facilities
Development of Government Hospital Veterans Wards
Management of Hospital Performance Data: Hospital List Database; Hospital MOOE, OPCR, BAR, BED Reports; Hospital Scorecard; Hospital Statistical Reports Database; Philippine Demographics Database
Program and Standards on Health Care Waste Management
Standards on Hospital Design and Planning
Technical Review on Legislative and Executive Measures and Implementing Rules and Regulations on Health Facilities
Health Systems Development and Management Support Division
Health Systems Development and Management Support Division
Division Functions
Per Department Personnel Order No. 2019-1259, the following are the functions of the Health Systems Development and Management Support Division (HSDMSD):
Develop health facility service capability standards for health care provider networks to guide clinical, management and financial systems integrations;
Develop evidence-based health facility planning, allocation and distribution standards, tools and processes;
Perform technical assistance in the development of specialty centers and other health facilities; and
Perform other functions as may be directed by the Director IV
Programs, Projects, & Initiatives Programs
Development Planning of DOH Hospitals and Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Facilities (DATRF)
Development of Specialty Centers in DOH Hospitals, including Evaluation of Staffing Standards and Reporting on the Status on the Establishment of Specialty Centers
Eligibility of Apex and End-Referral Hospitals
Evaluation of Requests for Multi-Year Obligational Authority (MYOA) of Health Facility Projects
Health Facility Capacity Reports on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response
Health Facility Profiling System in the DOH Data Collect (DDC) Application
Philippine Health Facility Development Plan and the Regional Health Facility Development Plans
Evaluation of Requests for Multi-Year Obligational Authority (MYOA) of Health Facility Projects
Technical Working Group Secretariat for Health Facilities Capital Outlay Budget Proposals FY 2023
Policy, Planning and Program Development Division
Policy, Planning and Program Development Division
Division Functions
Per Department Personnel Order No. 2019-1259, the following are functions of the Policy, Planning and Program Development Division (PPPDD or 3P2D):
Develop health facility structural and management standards including financial, strategic and operational management;
Develop clinical management standards including quality of care, laboratory services, and ancillary services;
Develop standards on patient centeredness including, safety, people centeredness, and quality of care;
Provide technical assistance on health facility operations and management;
Ensure the development and management of health facility-based programs;
Coordinate with regional Health Facility Development Units in the Centers for Health Development; and
Perform other functions as may be directed by the Director IV
Programs, Projects, & Initiatives Programs
Continuous Quality Improvement in Healthcare Facilities
Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Facilities
Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Program
Integrated People-Centered Health Services
Manuals of Standards: Hospital Emergency Department, Hospital Finance Service, Hospital Health Information Management, Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Service, Hospital Pharmacy Management, Hospital Procedures, Medical Social Workers, Nursing Service Administration, Organization Structure and Staffing for Government Hospitals, Sanitaria
Patient Safety in the Health Facilities
Referral System for Hospitals and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology