The NHWR is being developed and maintained by the Department of Health (DOH) and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) pursuant to Section 25.c of the Republic Act (RA) No. 11223 known as the “Universal Health Care Act” and the DOH-PRC Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 2021-0001 entitled “Guidelines on the Establishment, Utilization, and Maintenance of the National Health Workforce Registry” issued on 20 January 2021.
NHWR System Design
The NHWR System is designed as the main data center for collating, aggregating, and analyzing “big” HRH data from identified National Government Agencies (NGAs) / organizations that collect Human Resources for Health (HRH) data within the scope of their respective mandates. Equipped with advanced data analysis tools (data science), the NHWR has the capability to generate analytical reports on HRH that can provide data-driven insights for agencies, institutions, and/or organizations to facilitate the development of policies, programs, and systems for better HRH management and working conditions in the country.
The NHWR is being built through modular development. Currently, the DOH is working on the NHWR 1 (first module), which aims to track the number of health professionals and the location of their practice. In the NHWR 1, HRH data from the PRC will be collated into a registry together with HRH data from other sources such as the National Database of Selected Human Resources for Health Information System (NDHRHIS).
The NDHRHIS serves as one of the main data entry platforms of the NHWR 1. It collects data on employment/ affiliation of HRH through health facility registration, pursuant to DOH Administrative Order (AO) No. 2015-0017 entitled Guidelines on the Use of National Database of Human Resources for Health Information System (NDHRHIS).
As stipulated in the AO, hospitals and other health facilities are required to provide HRH data to the NDHRHIS. The system aggregates these HRH data to produce statistical reports on the location, distribution, and skill mix of HRH. These reports can be used for HRH planning, management, policy development, research, and computation of staffing complement at all levels of the healthcare system.
To know more about the NDHRHIS, you may visit https://ndhrhis.doh.gov.ph
The HRH Statistics provides reports and visualization on the number of HRH and the location of their practice in the health sector within our country through a user-friendly and self-navigating interface. This shall be integrated into the NHWR 1 once the system becomes functional and operational.
The current dashboard presents the distribution of HRH from 11 health professions in the regions, provinces, cities, and/or municipalities within the Philippines from 2016 to 2020. These data are collected from the following sources:
National Database of Selected Human Resources for Health Information System (NDHRHIS) available at https://ndhrhis.doh.gov.ph Field Health Services Information System (FHSIS) Annual Report, and DOH HRH Deployment Program Database.
Primary Care Workers Database
The number of Primary Care Workers issued with provisional certifications in primary care, pursuant to the transitory provision (section X.1) under the DOH-PRC Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-01, is presented through this database: https://bit.ly/CertifiedPCWs_Provisional. The statistical data are disaggregated per primary care facilities and per profession (Physician, Nurse, and Midwife) with certified primary care workers under UHC integration sites and non-integration sites.