The 2019-version of the Competency Model/Framework and Competency-based Job Descriptions consists of:
1. Integrated Competency Dictionary
2.Competency Standrards Map
3. 695 Competency-based Job Descriptions for DOH units based on the DOH Rationalization Plan (EO 366) and Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government Hospitals.
- Department of Health – Central Office
- Department of Health – Centers for Health Development
- Department of Health – Hospitals
The WISN method is used to (1) determine how many health workers of a particular type or cadre are required to cope with the workload of a given health facility, and (2) assess the workload pressure of the health workers in the facility. The method takes into account both the health service and non-health service activities that are conducted by health workers using actual service statistics from the facility. WISN also takes into account differences in services provided and in complexity of care in different facilities. The calculation of staff requirements is based on the same professional standards in all similar facilities. The WISN method is simple to operate using already collected, available service statistics in each health facility being analyzed. It is translated and computed in the WISN software which produces reports per facility and by cadre in web archive transformation (.WAT) file for further analysis to identify applicable staffing decisions at all health service levels.
To know more about WISN, the user manual and software manual can be downloaded via https://www.who.int/workforcealliance/knowledge/toolkit/17/en/
The DOH eLearning course on WISN Orientation may be accessed via this link: