Non-Formal LDI
Refers to learning that has been acquired in addition or alternatively to formal learning, which may be structured and made more flexible according to educational and training arrangements
Formal LDI
Refers to educational arrangements such as curricular qualifications and teaching-learning requirements that take place in education and training institutions recognized by relevant national authorities, and which lead to diplomas and qualifications (CPD Act of 2016).
Under the DOH Local Scholarship Program, post-graduate scholarships are offered to qualified DOH and LGU health personnel for competency enhancement and pursuant to the UHC objective of strengthening Primary Care and integrating local health systems.
The HHRDB endorses successful applicants and funds their tuition and other school fees to the following:
Provider/HEI | Course | Qualification |
Ateneo de Manila School of Government (ASOG) | Master in Public Management – Health Governance Track (MPM-HG) |
Development Academy of the Philippines | MPM major in Health Systems and Development (MPM-HSD) |
For More information and application forms, click on the following buttons:
In Formal LDI
This refers to the learning that occurs in daily life assessed through recognition, validation, and accreditation process, and which can contribute to a qualification (CPD Act of 2016) Currently, the Department of Health provides informal learning interventions such as the Nurse Certification Program, Certification of Primary Care Workers, and Practice-Based Family Community and Residency Training Program among others.
Primary Care Worker Certification
The Department of Health through the Health Human Resource Development Bureau initiated efforts in developing the Primary Care Workers’ Certification Program pursuant to the stipulation of Section 4.26 of the Universal Health Care Law (RA 11223) requiring that the primary care providers should have defined competencies in providing efficient and quality promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative health services. This program aims to ensure that the health workers are demonstrating the Primary Care competencies needed to deliver initial contact, accessible, continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated care, as defined by Section 4.25 of the UHC Act through the competency-based certification and provision of appropriate learning interventions. The certification of Primary Care Workers is a prerequisite for the accreditation and licensing of Primary Care Facilities.
Practical-Based Family and Community Medicine Residency Training Program
Pursuant to the Department Order No. 2013-0171 entitled “Policy and Guidelines on Establishing/Expanding Family Medicine Residency Training Programs in DOH Hospitals”, the Health Human Resource Development Bureau entered into partnership with the Philippine Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) to establish Family Medicine Residency Training Program (traditional) in DOH Hospitals and expand to Practice-Based Family and Community Medicine Residency Training Program (innovative) for Local Government Units physicians. This program aims to strengthen the clinical competencies of the physicians in the facilities to provide primary care services that are affordable, accessible and evidence-based in line with the mandates of the Universal Health Care Act.