The Philippines COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (PCERP), with the Project Development Objective (PDO) to strengthen the Philippines’ capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness, was approved by the World Bank on 22 April 2020.
Despite recent progress, the Philippines remains one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 in East Asia and Pacific, rendering vaccine purchase and deployment a national priority. With the availability of vaccines, the Philippines has now an opportunity to add a significant new layer to its COVID-19 emergency response. Procuring and administering vaccines is critical to reducing mortality from COVID, opening the economy in earnest and arresting the decline in GDP, employment and incomes. Hence, Additional Financing (AF) was sought by the country to enable affordable and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and help ensure effective vaccine deployment in the country through an enhanced vaccination system and to further strengthen preparedness and response activities.
The original approved loan financing of US$ 100 Million (Loan no. 9105-PH) had been increased by US$ 500 Million through the Additional Financing in 19 March 2021, to cover the procurement of vaccines against COVID- 19 and to support the DOH National Deployment and Vaccination Plan (NDVP) (Loan no. 9220-PH). The new total of the Project financing is US$ 600 Million.
The expected project beneficiaries will be the general population, including infected people, at-risk populations, particularly the elderly and people with chronic conditions, medical and emergency personnel, medical and testing facilities, and public health agencies engaged in the response.
The project is comprised of the following four components:
Component 1: Strengthening Emergency COVID-19 Health Care Response (US$ 577,117,000) with the following sub-component:
1.1 Provision of medical and laboratory equipment and reagents;
1.2 Provision of medical supplies, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), medical countermeasures, COVID-19 vaccines, medicines, and ambulances;
1.3 Regular and intensive care isolation rooms with negative pressure;
1.4 Deployment of COVID-19 vaccines (new sub-component, financed by counterpart funding from the GOP
Component 2: Strengthening laboratory capacity at national and sub-national level to support Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (US$ 15,678,000): It includes improving, retrofitting, and refurbishing one national reference laboratory–the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)—as well as six sub-national and public health laboratories in Baguio, Cebu, Davao, Surigao City, and Manila;
Component 3: Implementation Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (US$ 7,205,000): This component supports project management and monitoring, including the creation of a project management team and development of project monitoring and evaluation system; and
Component 4: Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) (US$0), which supports immediate response to an eligible crisis or health emergency.
The Project Operations Manual (DOH Department Circular no. 2021-0142), Project’s Implementation Arrangements (DOH Department Order no. 2021-0205), Guidelines on the Project’s Civil Works Implementation (DOH Department Circular no. 2020-0398), and the PCERP Contingency Emergency Response Component – Emergency Response Operations Manual [CERC–EROM] (DOH Department Circular no. 2021-0314) are available in the resources tab.
The closing date of the Project is on December 29, 2023.
The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF):
- is an instrument that examines risks and impacts of the project and its components which cannot be determined until the program or the subproject details have been identified
- describes principles, processes and technical guidance to the Project implementing agencies and their consultants to assess the environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts of the Project activities
- developed in accordance with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs)
The Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) include:
ESS1 | Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts |
ESS2 | Labor and Working Conditions |
ESS3 | Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management |
ESS4 | Community Health and Safety |
ESS5 | Land Acquisition, Restrictions on the Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement |
ESS6 | Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources |
ESS7 | Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities |
ESS8 | Cultural Heritage |
ESS9 | Financial Intermediaries |
ESS10 | Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure |
~ESS 5,6,8,and 9 are not related to the Project.~
The objectives of the ESMF are as follows:
- assess potential E&S risks and impacts of the Project & propose mitigation measures for risks/impacts
- establish clear procedures for the E&S screening, review, approval, and implementation of activities
- specify appropriate roles and responsibilities, and outline the necessary reporting procedures
- identify the training and capacity building needed to successfully implement the provisions of the ESMF
- address mechanisms for public consultation and disclosure of project documents as well as redress of possible grievance f. establish the budget requirement for implementation of the ESMF
Project Development Objective Indicators
86%DOH Hospitals without PPE stockouts Target: 80% Source: Project data |
83%Designated laboratories without stockouts Target: 80% Source: Project data |
47Facilities with isolation capacity Target: 50 Source: Project data |
93.63%HCWs with full dose of COVID-19 vaccine Target: 80% Source: NVOC |
59.35%Administered project-financed vaccine Target: 95% Source: NVOC |
Intermediate Results Indicators
Strengthening Emergency COVID-19 Health Care Response
YesFinal design for facilities to manage SARI Target: Yes Source: Project data |
500Ventilators delivered to facilities Target: 200 Source: Project data |
17,505IPC staff trained Target: 15,000 Source: DOH Academy eLearning |
100%Vaccination sites with functioning CCE Target: 100% Source: NVOC |
98.6%Vaccine satisfaction rating Target: 80% Source: Project survey data |
67.2%Serious AEFI cases received treatment Target: 80% Source: FDA Pharmacovigilance Team |
YesNational vaccination tools developed Target: Yes Source: NVOC |
YesBarangay health workers in vaccination priority group Target: Yes Source: NVOC |
33,021,580Vaccine doses procured by the project Target: 38,000,000 Source: Project data |
86.22%Vaccinated pedia Target: 60% Source: NVOC |
22.68%Vulnerable population with booster shot Target: 70% Source: NVOC |
47.73%Health workers with booster shot Target: 70% Source: NVOC |
80%Willingness to get booster shot Target: 70% Source: SWS Survey |
Intermediate Results Indicators
Strengthening Laboratory Capacity at National and Sub-National Level
49Daily average samples tested by RITM Target: 1200 Source: DOH Epidemiology Bureau |
294Daily average samples tested by SPMC Target: 500 Source: DOH Epidemiology Bureau |
431Daily average samples tested by VSMMC Target: 500 Source: DOH Epidemiology Bureau |
Intermediate Results Indicators
Implementation Management and Monitoring and Evaluation
YesM&E system established Target: Yes Source: Project data |
YesFunctional asset management in place Target: Yes Source: Project data |
100%Grievances resolved Target: 80% Source: Project data |

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) August 4, 2020

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) August 4, 2020

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) August 4, 2020

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) October 9, 2020

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) November 25, 2020

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) November 25, 2020

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) November 25, 2020

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) January 8, 2021

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) January 8, 2021

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) February 4, 2021

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) February 4, 2021

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) March 23, 2021

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) March 23, 2021

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) March 23, 2021

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) November 03, 2021

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) November 03, 2021

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) November 22, 2021

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) November 22, 2021

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) July 29, 2022

ESMF April 2022 version

Contingency Emergency Response Component – Emergency Response Operations Manual

Guidelines on the Project’s Civil Works Implementation

Project’s Implementation Arrangement

Project Operations Manual

Monitoring & Evaluation System Manual
For inquiries or recommendations, please fill out the Public GRM Form
You may also contact:
On the Project:
Mr. Manolito A. Novales
Project Coordinator IV / Project Team Leader
(02)8651 7800 local 1317
Mr. Bryan de Guzman
Deputy Project Team Leader for Additional Financing
(02)8651 7800 local 1317
Ms. Lovelie Q. Zulueta
Deputy Project Team Leader for the Parent Project
(02)8651 7800 local 1317
On the Environmental and Social Framework:
Ms. Maria Krystell G. Banaag-Año
Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist
(02) 8651 7800 local 2324
On the Monitoring and Evaluation:
Ms. Vega Fria G. Postrano
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
(02) 8651 7800 local 1453
Mr. John Conrad P. Dacusin
Project Assistant
(02)8651 7800 local 1453
Mr. Mark Benedict K. Mortera
Project Assistant
(02)8651 7800 local 1453
On the Deployment of the Project Procured Vaccines
Ms. Hannah P. Jara
Vaccine Specialist
(02) 8651 7800 local 2361