Section 10 of Republic Act 7581 or the Price Act provides that the Department of Health (DOH) as one of the implementing agencies, from time to time, may issue suggested reasonable prices for any or all basic necessities and prime commodities under its jurisdiction for the information and guidance of producers, manufacturers, traders, dealers, sellers, retailers and consumers. Further, it is also stated in that the the implementing agency has the power to call upon and deputize any official, agent, employee, agency, or instrumentality of the national and local government for any assistance that it may deem necessary to care out the purposes of the said Act.
To achieve the goals of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act that all Filipinos are guaranteed equitable access to quality and affordable health care goods and services and protected against financial risk, a Joint Administrative Order (JAO) shall be developed to establish the guidelines in the implementation of the Price Act provisions of medicines and medical devices and to delineate the roles of the different government offices in implementing the said Act.
May we request for your comments, position papers and/or proposals on the attached draft JAO. Kindly submit your comments through email at [email protected] until August 18, 2021.
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