Tuberculosis Control Program
The National TB Control Program (NTP) aims to reduce mortality and incidence from tuberculosis in the country, reduce catastrophic costs and provide patient-responsive health services. The program facilitates the development of policies and standards for TB elimination in the country and the equitable distribution of TB drugs, laboratory supplies, technical assistance and material support to local government units.
TB -free Philippines
To reduce TB burden (TB incidence and TB mortality)
To achieve catastrophic cost of TB-affected households
To responsively deliver TB service
Policies and Laws
- Administrative Order No. 2019-0051 Reconstitution of the Philippine Country Coordinating Mechanism (PCCM)in support of the Implementation of the Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) Grants in the Philippines
- Administrative Order No. 2020-0025 Policy and Guidelines on the Implementation of Active Drug Safety Monditoring and Mgmt of NTCP
- Administrative Order No. 2020-0026 Policy and Guidelines on the Implementation of Active Drug Safety Monditoring and Mgmt of NTCP
- Administrative Order No. 2020-0056 National TB control Program Adaptive Plan for COVID-19 Pandemic
- Administrative Order No. 2020-0057 Guideline on Mandatory TB Notification
Type of Service
PhilHealth Benefit Package
- TB DOTS Outpatient Benefit Package
- Konsulta Package (CxR included)
- Training on the Revised TB Manual of Procedures, 6th Edition
- Training for Health Workers Providing TB Services
- Training on Xpert MTB/RIF Assay
- Training on Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy
- Training on Solid TB Culture Processing for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
- Training on Light Emitting Diode Fluorescence Microscopy
- Training on Quality Assurance for Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy
- TB DOTS Certifiers Training
- Training on Infection Control
- Training on Provider Initiated Counselling and Testing (PICT)
- Integrated Training on NTP MOP, NAP, and FAST Plus Strategy
Implementation Support Materials
- NTP Manual of Procedures, 6th ed (This Manual consolidates all new policies and procedures on Tuberculosis (TB) case finding and case holding and introduces a shift in the Program approach)
- Updated Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan (The updated strategies will effectively respond to the renewed and strengthened global response to end TB, and deliver on our commitments through a focused, evidenced-based approach. We want to ensure that health workers at all levels are abreast with current strategies and protocols)
- MOP Exercise Workbook (Contains exercises for the MOP training)
- MOP Facilitator’s Guide (Contains answers and rationale to the MOP exercise workbook)
- Guidelines on Infection Control for Tuberculosis and Other Airborne Infectious Diseases (Provide guidance to decrease the risk of transmission of TB and other airborne infectious diseases among patients and staff in the healthcare facilities, congregate settings and household settings)
- TB Laboratory Network Strategic Plan 2018-2022 (Provide directions and a roadmap outlining the activities that need to be undertaken to successfully implement the plan ensuring the delivery of high-quality assured laboratory services as defined in the PhilSTEP1)
- National TB Control Program Adaptive Plan for the COVID-19 Pandemic (Contains specific guidelines on conduct of screening, testing and diagnosis, treatment, and prevention including appropriate infection prevention and control measures to protect against COVID-19)
- National TB Health Promotion and Communication Strategy 2020 – 2023 (The strategy is aligned with the PhilSTEP’s vision of a TB-free Philippines. Through a collaborative, cohesive and comprehensive communication approach, the strategy envisions heightened attention to TB,promotes people-centered care, and reduces stigma.)
Partners Organization
List of Local Advocacy Partners
- Philippine Information Agency
- Department of Education
- Department of Labor and Employment
Local/Youth/CSOs, NGOs
- Samahang Lusog Baga
- PhilCAT
International Partners
- The Global Fund