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I. Background/Description
The overall goal of Universal Health Care or Kalusugan Pangkalahatan is to improve health outcomes, provide financial risk protection and provide quality access to health services especially to the poor. With this, the Department of Health (DOH) through its Deployment of Human Resources for Health (HRH) Program deploys doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists and other health professionals as a strategy in support to the attainment of Universal Health Care. While the DOH deployed HRH and rural health based health workers are intense in providing public health and clinical services, there is also a need to strengthen the other administrative and managerial concerns in the rural health unit such as operational health planning, researches, disease surveillance, staff capability building and program management. As such, the DOH has designed the Public Health Associate Deployment Project (PHADP) which deploys Public Health Associates (PHAs) assigned in RHUs and work alongside with other HRH focusing on the implementation of DOH programs and health plans.
PHADP is a two-year project to employ PHAs that are assigned in areas identified by the DOH, giving priority to municipalities under the 43 provinces identified by the Department of Budget and Management as Focus Geographical Areas. Deployment of PHAs nationwide started on 2015.
II. Objectives
The PHA Deployment Program aims to:
a. Augment the workforce in the rural health units from identified municipalities of needed public health associates;
b. Improve performance of health systems in the Rural Health Units;
c. Provide work experience and employment for public health graduates in rural areas and underserved communities; and
d. Enhance the competencies of the public health associates aligned with the demand in the work environment.
III. Functions of PHAs
a. Participate in the development of health related programs and strategies;
b. Assist in the preparation of project proposals, plans, health promotion and communication materials and other related documents;
c. Assist in the collection and validation of health related data/information; and
d. Participate in the analysis of health related data/information.
e. Assist in the encoding/updating of data/information in the established DOH information Systems.
f. Submit health reports/data/information to DOH Regional Office and Central Office.
g. Coordinate with different stakeholders for the submission of national health data reports.
IV. Minimum Qualification Standards
Education: Graduates of any four year health-related courses
V. Target Population/Client
a. All 1,634 municipalities and cities nationwide
b. National Government Priority Areas
– 44 Focus Geographical Areas (FGA) with 1,045 Municipalities
– Accelerated and Sustainable Anti-Poverty (ASAP) municipalities
– Whole Nation Initiative (WNI) municipalities
– Areas with Bottom-Up Budgeting (BuB) programs
– Geographic location and socio-economic classification of the area (GIDA, ICC/IP areas, national priority areas
for poverty reduction)
VI. Salaries and Benefits
- Salary- 19,940.00/month
- GSIS- 500.00/year
- PHIC- 200.00/month
VII. Policies and Laws
Department Memorandum No. 2015-0383
VIII. Program Accomplishments/Status
- In 2015, a total of 834 PHAs were deployed nationwide.
- As of May 2016, a total of 884 PHAs were deployed nationwide.
IX. Updates
Hiring of additional 928 PHAs for deployment on July to December 2016. (Refer to Department Memorandum No. 2015-0383-A)
X. Program Coordinator Contact Information
Ms. Janette S. Cruz
Tel No. 02-743-1776, or 02-651-7800 local 4227