The Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) targets adolescents aged 10-19 years. It is mainly guided by the Convention on the Rights of Children which states that the program must be in the best interests of the child. Based on the Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order (AO) 2013-0013 or the National Policy and Strategic Framework on Adolescent Health and Development Administrative Order, the program primarily aims to provide adolescents access to quality healthcare services This means increased accessibility of adolescent-friendly facilities, programs, and health providers for the Filipino youth.
All Filipinos enjoy the right to sight by year 2020
The DOH, Local Health Unit (LGU) partners and stakeholders commit to:
Strengthen partnership among and with stakeholder to eliminate avoidable blindness in the Philippines; Empower communities to take proactive roles in the promotion of eye health and prevention of blindness; Provide access to quality eye care services for all; and Work towards poverty alleviation through preservation and restoration of sight to indigent Filipinos.
Reduce the prevalence of avoidable blindness in the Philippines through the provision of quality eye care.
PhilHealth Benefit Package
Case Rates Package:
- Ophthalmic surgical (including cataract) and laser procedures
- Intraocular lens
- Removal with foreign body, external eye conjunctival, superficial
- Removal of eye
Z Benefit Package for children with disabilities for low vision
- Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology
- National Commitee for Sight Pereservation
- Philippine Eye Research Institute
- Christoffel Blinden Mission
- Fred Hollows Foundation
- Physicians for Peace
- Eye Hear Foundation of the Philippines Inc. (formerly Cataract Foundation)
- Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists (IPAO)
- Philippine Society of Public Health and Occupational Optometrists
- Tanggal Katarata Foundation
- Optometric Association of the Philippines
- Helen Keller International
- Lion’s Multiple District 301
- Lion’s Sight for Kids Philippines
- Department of Education
- Philippine Information Agency
- Resources for the Blind Inc.
International Partners