image 182image 182 (2) Prevention of Blindness Program The Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) targets adolescents aged 10-19 years. It is mainly guided by the Convention on the Rights of Children which states that the program must be in the best interests of the child. Read More Public Health Associate Deployment Program (PHADP) The overall goal of Universal Health Care or Kalusugan Pangkalahatan is to improve health outcomes, provide financial risk protection and provide quality access to health services especially to the poor. Read More Public-Private Partnership for Health Program The Unit shall serve as the champion of Public-Private Partnerships for the health sector’s sustainable development in universal health care, service delivery network and services for the well and sick. Read More Rabies Prevention and Control Program Rabies is an infection that affects humans usually transmitted by a bite or scratch of an infected animal. This is considered a significant public health problem in the country as it is one of the most acutely fatal infections and responsible for the death of at least 200 Filipinos annually. Read More Rural Health Midwives Placement Program (RHMPP)/ Midwifery Scholarship Program of the Philippines (MSPP) The Philippines’ maternal and infant morbidity and mortality rates have been marked despite its efforts to assist local government units for the past decade. Read More Safe Motherhood Program The National Safe Motherhood Program primarily focuses on the health and welfare of women throughout their pregnancy. It also includes the adolescent pregnant and meeting the unmet needs for family planning contraceptives of women into its priority agenda until 2030. Read More Sanitation Program Poor human waste management and sanitation lead to significant health and environmental impacts. Various diseases can arise from these practices, particularly bacterial and parasitic infections. Hence, this Sanitation Program aims to promote hygienic and proper management of human excreta and domestic wastewater. Read More Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination Program Schistosomiasis japonicum is an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms called trematodes or blood flukes. It is endemic in the Philippines and is transmitted through contact with fresh water infested with the parasite that penetrates human and animal skin. Read More ◄ 1 ... 6 7 8 ►