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I. Vision
TB -free Philippines
II. Mission
- To reduce TB burden (TB incidence and TB mortality)
- To achieve catastrophic cost of TB-affected households
- To responsively deliver TB service
III. Program Components
- Health Promotion
- Financing and Policy
- Human Resource
- Information System
- Regulation
- Service Delivery
- Governance
IV. Target Population / Client
Presumptive TB and TB affected households
V. Area of Coverage
VI. Partner Institutions
- Department of Health: Food and Drug Administration, Bureau of Quarantine
- Other Government: DepEd, DSWD, DILG (BJMP), DOJ (BuCor), PIA, DOLE
- Non Government Organizations: PhilCAT, PBSP
- International Organizations: WHO, USAID, GFATM, ICRC, HIVOS-KNCV
VII. Policies and Laws
RA 10767 : Comprehensive TB Elimination Plan Act of 2016
VIII. Strategies, Action Points and Timeline
2017-2022 Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan
- Activate communities and patient groups to promptly access quality TB services
- Collaborate with other government agencies to reduce out-of-pocket expenses and expand social protection programs
- Harmonize local and national efforts mobilize adequate and competent human resources
- Innovate TB information generation and utilization for decision making
- Enforce standards on TB care and prevention and use of quality products
- Value clients and patients through integrated patient-centered TB services
- Engage national, regional and local government units/ agencies on multi-sectoral implementation of TB elimination plan
IX. Program Accomplishments and Status
2019 WHO Global TB Report (Cohort of 2018)
- Estimate TB Burden : Mortality 24/100,000 Incidence 554/100,000
- Total Notified Cases: 382,543
- Treatment Coverage: 63%
- Treatment Success Rate, All Forms (2017) : 91%
- Treatment Success Rate, MDR/RRTB (2016) 58%
X. Calendar of Activities
- March 24 – World TB Day Commemoration
- August – Lung Month Celebration
XI. Program Manager Contact Information
Dr. Anna Marie Celina G. Garfin
Program Manager
[email protected]
Last Updated:
September 9, 2020