Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) include cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, stroke), diabetes mellitus, lung/chronic respiratory diseases and a range of cancers which are the top causes of deaths globally and locally. These diseases are considered as lifestyle related and is mostly the result of unhealthy habits. Behavioral and modifiable risk factors like smoking, alcohol abuse, consuming too much fat, salt and sugar and physical inactivity have sparked an epidemic of these NCDs which pose a public threat and economic burden.
A Philippines free from the avoidable burden of NCDs
Ensure sustainable health promoting environments and accessible, cost-effective, comprehensive, equitable and quality health care services for the prevention and control of NCDs, and guided by the principle of “Health in All, Health by All, Health for All” whereas Health in All refers to Health in All Policies, Health by All involves the whole-of-government and the whole-of-society and the Health for All captures the KP (Kalusugan Pangkalahatan) or the Universal Health Care (UHC).
- To raise the priority accorded to the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in national, regional and local health and development plans
- To strengthen leadership, governance, and multisectoral actions for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
- To reduce modifiable risk factors for non-communicable diseases and underlying social determinants through creation of health-promoting environments
- To strengthen health systems and increase access to quality medicines, products and services, especially at the primary health care level, towards attainment of universal health coverage
- To promote and support research and development for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
- To monitor the trends and determinants of non-communicable diseases and evaluate progress in their prevention and control
Program Components
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Cancer
- Chronic Respiratory Disease
Policies and Laws
- AO No. 2011-0003 or The National policy on Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Chronic Lifestyle Related Non-Communicable Diseases
- AO No. 2012-0029 or The Implementing Guidelines on the Institutionalization of Philippine Package of Essential NCD Interventions (PhilPEN) on the Integrated Management of Hypertension and Diabetes for Primary Health Care Facilities
- AO No. 2013 – 0005 or The National Policy on the Unified Registry Systems of the Department of Health (Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, Injury Related Cases, Persons with Disabilities, and Violence Against Women and Children Registry Systems)
- AO 2015-0052: “National Policy on Palliative & Hospice Care in the Philippines
- AO 2016-0001: “Revised Policy on Cancer Prevention and Control Program
- AO 2016 – 0014 – Implementing Guidelines on the Organization of Health Clubs for Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes in Health Facilities
Conceptual Framework
(Administrative Order-2011-0003 National Policy On Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Chronic Lifestyle Related Non-Communicable Diseases)
Relevant Statistics
National Nutrition Survey – Food and Nutrition Research Institute (20years old and above):
Prevalence of Hypertension (2015): 23.9
Prevalence of High Fasting Glucose (2013): 5.6
Prevalence of High total Cholesterol: 18.6
Prevalence of Binge Drinking (2015): Males: 58.8, Female: 41.9
Prevalence of Insufficiently Physically Active Adults (2015): 42.5
Prevalence of Overweight and Obese and Adult (2013): Males: 27.6, Females: 34.4
Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015:
Prevalence of Current Tobacco Use: 23.8
Program Accomplishments/Status
- Finalization of the Philippine Multi-sectoral Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs (2017 – 2025)
- The Philippine Package of Essential NCD Intervention for the integrated management of hypertension and diabetes is being implemented nationwide. This is being supplemented by developing the DOH Hypertension and Diabetes Health Clubs in primary health care facilities which will ensure continuity of care and provision of NCD drugs. A registry of hypertensives and diabetics was also developed and is maintained by the department.
- Training on Diabetes management using Insulin for Regional Offices and LGUs
- Provision of NCD drugs through the Medicine Access Programs (Breast Cancer, Childhood Cancer, Colon and Rectum Cancer, Insulin, NCD maintenance medicines for hypertension and diabetes)
- Training on cervical cancer screening using visual inspection using acetic acid (VIA) among health care workers started in 2013 and on-going. Monitoring of trained institutions started in 2014.
- NCD indicators are integrated in existing DOH current performance reporting systems like Field Health Service Information System, Local Government Unit scorecard
- DOH support for proposed legislative bills focusing on addressing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, and integrating palliative and hospice care into the health care system
Calendar of Activities
Goiter Awareness Week
National Cancer Consciousness Week Philippine Heart Month International Childhood Cancer Day Hypertension Awareness Month Cervical Cancer Consciousness Month International Thyroid Awareness Week |
World No Tobacco Day National No Smoking Month Nutrition Month Thyroid Cancer Awareness Week Obesity Awareness and Prevention Week Breast Cancer Awareness Month World Diabetes Day |
Partner Institutions
Health Justice Philippines WHO Philippines National Nutrition Council Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Philippine Heart Association Philippine Academy of Family Physicians Philippine Cancer Society, Inc. |
Philippine College of Physicians Philippine Thyroid Association Philippine College of Chest Physicians Philippine Society of Nuclear Medicine UP College of Public Health UP National Institutes of Health UP Philippine General Hospital Philippine Coalition for the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases |
Program Manager Contact Information
Dr. Rosalie Paje
MEdical Officer V/ Chief
Disease Prevention And Control Bureau-Lifestyle Related Diseases Division
Tel. No. 651-7800 Local 1750-1752 or 732-2493
last updated : 2018