Environmental Health (EH) related diseases are prevented and no longer a public health problem in the Philippines (based on on-going Strategic Plan 2019-2022)
To guarantee sustainable Environmental Sanitation (ES) services in every community
- Expand and strengthen delivery of quality ES services
- Institute supportive organizational, policy and management systems
- Increase financing and investment in ES
- Enforce regulation policy and standards
- Establish performance accountability mechanism at all levels
Program Components
Drinking-water supply, Sanitation (e.g excreta, sewage and septage management), Zero Open Defecation Program (ZODP), Food Sanitation, Air Pollution (indoor and ambient), Chemical Safety, WASH in Emergency situations, Climate Change for Health and Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
Partner Institutions
World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, USAID, AusAID
Policies and Laws
- PD No. 856 – Code on Sanitation of the Philippines
- EO No. 489 s. 1991 – The Inter-Agency Committee on Environmental Health (IACEH)
- National Objectives for Health (NOH) 2011-2016
- DOH A.O. 2010-0021 – Sustainable Sanitation as a National Policy and a National Priority Program of the DOH
- DOH A.O. 2014-0027 – National Policy on Water Safety Plan (WSP) for All Drinking-Water Service Providers
- DOH A.O. 2017-0006 – Guidelines for the Review and Approval of the Water Safety Plans of Drinking-Water Service Providers
- DOH A.O. 2017-0010 – Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) of 2017
Strategies, Action Points and Timeline
Strategies per Objective
- Design, promote and implement customized package of ES interventions and implementation approaches responsive to communities of varying situations and needs
- Generate demand for quality ES among targeted providers and intended beneficiaries
- Harmonize and localize national policies and plans
- Enhance organizational support structure at all levels for ES management and implementation
- Establish and sustain strategic multi-sectoral alliances
- Mobilize increased national government financing for ES
- Secure LGUs’ budget support for ES implementation
- Harness funding support from other sectors and partners
- Strengthen coordination with national regulatory bodies
- Develop capacity of LGUs in enforcing compliance to ES laws and guidelines
- Establish performance accountability mechanism at all levels
- Expand/Integrate recognition and incentives provision for good performance
6 Program Accomplishments/Status
- households with access to safe water has increased from 86.93 in 2014 to 91.06 in 2016.
- while households with sanitary toilet decreased from 84.18 in 2015 to 83.46 in 2016 due to occurrence of typhoons/calamities that caused devastations.
- other environmental sanitation indicators has also been increasing in the past years (2014-2016).
Calendar of Activities (year 2019)
1st Quarter
- Training on Prioritizing Drinking Water Quality Parameters for Surveillance as per PNSDW of 2017
2nd Quarter
- National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP) Orientation
- Climate Change and Health Orientation
3rd Quarter
- Training on Prioritizing Drinking Water Quality Parameters as per PNSDW of 2017
- Orientation on Septic tank Guidelines And Sanitation technologies
- Training on Philippine Approach to Sustainable Sanitation
- National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP) Orientation
- World Environmental Health Day Celebration
4th Quarter
- Orientation on Septic tank Guidelines And Sanitation technologies
- National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP) Orientation
Program Manager
Name Position email address
Dr. Rosalind G. Vianzon Medical Officer V [email protected]
Engr. Joselito M. Riego De Dios Chief Health Program Officer [email protected]
Engr. Gerardo S. Mogol Supervising Health Program Officer [email protected]
Engr. Maria Sonabel S. Anarna Supervising Health Program Officer [email protected]
Engr. Luis F. Cruz Supervising Health Program Officer [email protected]
Engr. Rolando I. Santiago Supervising Health Program Officer [email protected]
updated December 14, 2018