Department of Health
Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau
- Profile
- Vision/Mission
- Standards Development Division (SDD)
- Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Division (RCED)
- Complaint and Action Unit (CAU)
- Quality Assurance and Monitoring Division (QAMD)
- Data Management Unit (DMU)
- Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (CEMT) and Committee of Examiners for Undertakers and Embalmers (CEUE)
- Administrative Unit
- Organizational Structure
The Bureau Of Local Health Systems Development follows the following core functions:
- Set minimum standards for regulation of health facilities and services
- Disseminate regulatory policies and standards for information and compliance
- Issue permits to construct, License to Operate and Certificate of Accreditation
- Monitoring of health facilities and services to ensure continuous compliance of health facilities with regulatory standards
- Provide technical assistance, consultation and advisory services to stakeholders regarding health facilities regulation
- Conduct research relative to regulation of health facilities and services
- Conduct fact-finding on complaints against health facilities and services
- Act on complaints against hospitals and other health facilities
A World-Class Regulatory Body for Excellent Health Care
To set regulatory policies and standards as mandated for licensing, accreditation, and monitoring of health facilities to ensure quality health care
Standards Development Division (SDD)
- Formulate/ revise the following for health facilities and services:
- Regulatory standards
- Technical requirements
- Guidelines
- Establish consultative mechanisms to ensure applicability of regulatory standards
- Ensure dissemination of regulatory standards
- Review of existing standards
- Provide consultative and advisory services relative to regulatory standards and technical requirements
Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Division (RCED)
- Evaluate and act on application for:
- Licensing
- Initial and Renewal (Level II and Level III)
- Other Facilities
- Accreditation
- OFW Medical clinics
- Ambulatory surgical clinics
- Other Facilities
- Application for Permit to Construct
- Licensing
- Conduct inspection of Hospitals and other health facilities
- Recommend issuance of LTO, certificate of accreditation, permit to construct and clearance for SEC endorsements
- Authenticate medical examination, certificates and AIDS Free certifications for OFWs
- Analyze statistical reports of hospitals and other health facilities for information required by internal and external stakeholders relative to regulation
Complaint and Action Unit (CAU)
- Act on complaints and other concerns against hospital or other health facilities and services and refer to proper government or private offices, agencies, hospitals or health facilities whenever necessary
- Conduct fact-finding investigation on complaints against hospitals and other health facilities and services
- Review and evaluate complaints received and via email
- Prepare resolution/ decision on complaints thru phone calls and emails
- Attend to walk in clients
- Interview patient/patients relative and hospitals representative regarding complaints and detention
Quality Assurance and Monitoring Division (QAMD)
- Monitoring of licensed health facilities
- Surveillance of unlicensed health facilities
- Advocacy on quality improvement guidelines
- Implementation of quality management system of HFSRB
Data Management Unit (DMU)
- Maintain the national registry of all regulated health facilities.
- Maintain and update the Bureau’s website
- Consolidate the statistical reports submitted by the health facility, e.g. OHSRS, MFOWS and others.
- Oversee and maintain the existing licensing and information system.
- Submit quarterly report of regulated health facilities and services and other pertinent report to government offices and agencies such as DOH HPDPB, OMS, FMS, and other government agencies such as Senate and Congress, NEDA, MARINA, DFA, etc.
- Analyze all data collected and gathered.
- Recommended improvement of data management of the Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau.
- Perform other related functions.
Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (CEMT) and Committee of Examiners for Undertakers and Embalmers (CEUE)
- Establish standards and guidelines for the practice of massage therapy, undertaking and embalming in the Philippines.
- Set, promote, monitor, and influence code of ethics to guide professional behavior.
- Develop training curriculum and modules to be adopted by accredited training institutions for training needs of massage therapist, undertakers and embalmers.
- Prepare the contents of, announce, schedule and conduct examinations for massage therapists.
- Issue, suspend and cancel (when appropriate) certificate of registration and licenses for massage therapist, undertakers and embalmers.
- Manage the database of registered and licensed massage therapist, undertakers and embalmers.
- Monitor and enforce quality of standards for massage therapy, undertaking and embalming practice in the Philippines through the DOH Centers for Health Development in coordination with Local Government Health Offices concerned.
- Render decisions on the complaints against erring massage therapist, undertakers and embalmers.
- Collaborate with other relevant authorities on matters related to massage therapy, undertaking and embalming.
- Provide an enabling environment for capacity building and access to learning centers to institutionalize the practice of massage therapy, undertaking and embalming.
- Advise the DOH Executive Committee and other concerned offices on matters related to massage therapy, undertaking and embalming for policy-and decision making.
- Oversee the performance of the concerned agencies/DOH units in the implementation of specific provisions of PD 856.
- Perform such other related duties assigned by the Secretary of Health to implement pertinent provisions of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and its implementing rules and regulations.
Administrative Unit
- Provide general administrative services, records services and logistic support services to the Bureau