Department of Health
Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau

Health Service Delivery
Unified System of Governance of the P/CWHS, Private Sector Engagement, and Primary Care Strengthening

LGU Planning & Health Financing
The Province-wide Investment Planning for Health (PIPH) was introduced in 2006 to strengthen local health planning with significant consideration for building capacities of devolved health managers in the local government units.

Health Service Delivery
Unified System of Governance of the P/CWHS, Private Sector Engagement, and Primary Care Strengthening

LGU Planning & Health Financing
The Province-wide Investment Planning for Health (PIPH) was introduced in 2006 to strengthen local health planning with significant consideration for building capacities of devolved health managers in the local government units.
- Set minimum standards for regulation of health facilities and services
- Disseminate regulatory policies and standards for information and compliance
- Issue permits to construct, License to Operate and Certificate of Accreditation
- Standards Development Division:8651-7800 Local 2525
- Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Division:8651-7800 Locals 2502; 2511
- Quality Assurance and Monitoring Division:8651-7800 Locals 2528; 2531
- Complaint and Action Unit:8651-7800 Local 2527