Department of Health
Epidemiology Bureau
Responsive, collaborative, sustainable, and resilient local health systems for all Filipinos, especially the poor.
We are the lead Bureau in the DOH in developing functional local health systems, especially for the marginalized & disadvantaged communities. We will work with key partners & stakeholders to create environments and opportunities in offering solutions to improve and strengthen local health system policies & plans.
to provide timely and relevant information to stakeholders who will generate appropriate public health action.
to provide and promote epidemiologic information for evidence-based decision making.
- Info Management as basis for or to trigger public health actions.
- Technical Assistance as basis for or to trigger public health actions.
- Capacity Development of national and local health personnel in Applied Epidemiology.
Applied Epidemiology Health Management Division
Applied Epidemiology Health Management Division
Specific Functions
- Investigate and respond to epidemics and other urgent public health threats as the need arises
- Develop and maintain field epidemiology training programs for public health workers
- Develop, capture, filter, verify, assess, respond, disseminate and evaluate event-based surveillance systems
- Collect and maintain resource materials on epidemiology, surveillance, management and monitoring and evaluation in public health.
Public Health Surveillance Division
Public Health Surveillance Division
Specific Functions
Undertake notifiable disease surveillance through Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response.
Survey, Monitoring & Evaluation Division
Survey, Monitoring & Evaluation Division
Specific Functions
- Provide statistical services to priority health programs of the DOH
- Monitoring non-behavioral risk factors priority non-communicable diseases through globally standardized survey
- Monitor HIV and AIDS Registry and Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance, size estimates and Most At-Risk Population
- Provide program health indicators information