Department of Health
Bureau of International Health Cooperation
The Bureau of International Health Cooperation started with the existence of a Foreign Assistance Coordination Service (FACS) in the Department of Health under Executive Order No. 119, with the following core functions:
- Implementation of WHO Biennium Plans
- Coordination of health data requirement of the DFA and international travel of DOH personnel, and
- Provision of annual data on Foreign Assisted Projects as required by NEDA
- Reporting directly to the Office of the Chief of Staff
In 1999, FACS was expanded by virtue of the Executive Order 102 and became the Bureau of International Health Cooperation (BIHC), mandated to effectively and actively engage DOH with development partners, donors, and stakeholders from the international community through the development of policies, plans, programs and systems on international health partnerships.
Under this expansion, the following core functions were added:
- Programming of development assistance
- Management and development of pipeline projects/programs and coordination of approvals
- Management of the on-going health Official Development Assistance (ODA) Portfolio
Development of policies support and collaboration mechanisms for international cooperation
Philippines as one of the lead centers for global health partnerships and diplomacy in Southeast Asia by 2022
To promote health diplomacy and nurture international health partnerships, consistent with national and global policies and anchored on a multi-sector development framework
Strategic Goals
In line with the Bureau’s Mission and Vision, BIHC adopts the following strategic goals:
Strategic Goal 1:
To position the Philippines in the global health arena through fostering health partnerships
Strategic Goal 2:
To mobilize development assistance to support F1 Plus priorities
Strategic Goal 3:
To provide technical assistance and share expertise to other countries

The BIHC organizational/functional structure evolves to support the Key Result Areas of:
- International Relations;
- Resource Mobilization; and
- Resource Management
through the development of (1) policies; (2) systems; and (3) capacities
Core Values

BIHC Credo
Benignity and responsive to the public
- BIHC shall extend prompt, courteous and adequate service to the public. BIHC shall provide information on the policies and procedures in clear and understandable language, ensure openness of information, encourage suggestions, simply and systematize policy, rules and procedure, avoid red tape and develop an understanding and appreciation of the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed and rural areas.
Inclination towards continuous learning
- BIHC shall always strive for dynamic and continuous learning. Factors affecting global health such as globalization of the world economy, health problems associated with global movements of people and commerce and increased importation of infectious agents and hazardous contaminants shall be the driving force of the Bureau in the quest for technical expertise
Honesty and sincerity
- BIHC shall remain true to the people at all times. They must act with honesty and sincerity and shall not discriminate against anyone, especially the poor and the underprivileged. They shall at all times, respect the rights of others and shall refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy and public interest. Furthermore, BIHC shall always uphold the public interest over and above personal interest. All resources and powers of the Bureau must be employed and used efficiently, honestly and economically, particularly to avoid wastage in public funds.
Complementary with international standards
- BIHC shall ensure that globalization becomes a positive force for all Filipinos. For while globalization offers great opportunities, at present its benefits are very unevenly shared while its costs are unevenly distributed. Only through broad and sustained efforts to create a shared future in partnership with both international and local stakeholders can globalization be made fully inclusive and equitable.
BIHC Organizational Chart
Trade in Health Strategy
Focusing on four modes of trade in health services
Migrant Health Unit was established
To coordinate different health services for Filipino migrants
Functional arrangement in BIHC
Adapting to the changing times
BIHC became the central coordinator pf SDAH in DOH
Institutionalized JAPI, HPM, and JAC
ODA diminishing
With declining number of FAP’s and increasing domestic budget
Scorecard for partners was created
As part of monitoring and evaluation system
FSMM and FD were Recognized
Gatekeeping piece meal assistance to ensure quality of care
IRD and PMD were born
under the Rationalization Plan E.O. 366
FACS became BIHC
With expanded mandate towards international relations and ODA management
FACS was established
Foreign Assistance Coordination Service in the Department of Health under EO No. 119