• Lead the Department’s initiatives on digital health transformation under the guidance of the Chief Information Officer;
  • Update, revise, and develop national digital health policies, plans, architecture, and standards, in alignment with national plans and priorities and international standards for building digitally transformed health systems;
  • Establish the governance and program management and serve as the Technical and Administrative Secretariat for the interagency Digital Health Steering Committee, Technical Working Group, and Experts Groups;
  • Mainstream digital health policies, architecture, and standards within the health sector and other sectors;
  • Develop a Philippine Digital Health Roadmap and Action Plan with short, medium, and long-term goals to guide digital health transformation;
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate digital health programs, activities, and projects, including establishing and managing a coordination mechanism to oversee the planning and implementation of the same;
  • Design, develop, implement, and maintain various DOH digital health solutions (e.g., electronic health/medical record systems, telemedicine platforms, mobile health solutions, registries, health portals, knowledge management systems, and other health information systems, applications, and services);
  • Perform systems and software engineering, including setting and managing end-to-end security, integration, and interoperability of software applications, developing application programming interfaces (APIs), and ensuring standards compliance;
  • Plan, design, and manage the DOH organizational knowledge and learning resources, including curation and development of knowledge products, and maintenance of a repository of knowledge resources;
  • Establish, implement, and manage the DOH enterprise data warehouse and databases for storing and processing of health and health-related data and reports, including design and maintenance of dashboards and predictive analytics solutions for policy and decision-makers and end-users, artificial intelligence and machine learning models for DOH applications, and health maps for various public health programs;
  • Collaborate with and serve as the DOH Focal for the implementation of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Program, and Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) in health;
  • Plan, design, manage, and upgrade, if necessary, the DOH ICT infrastructure, assets, and resources, including the communications/telephony system;
  • Provide comprehensive ICT services to the DOH Central Office, ensuring reliable and secure internet and network connectivity, seamless communication and data exchange services, and ICT service continuity, quality, and efficiency;
  • Implement, monitor, and maintain at all times cybersecurity measures to protect DOH digital assets and information, and secure DOH digital health solutions;
  • Oversee and manage the ICT procurements and development assistance, and contract compliance and execution in DOH;
  • Leverage expertise, capacities, and resources related to digital health transformation;
  • Design and implement an overall capacity building framework for health facilities and health workers focused on digital health transformation, digital health solutions, and digital literacy;
  • Manage exploratory research and development, policy studies, innovation incubation, and ICT solution development to drive digital transformation in health, including fostering collaborative spaces, intellectual property protection, and evidence-based policymaking;
  • Provide technical guidance and assistance to the Centers for Health Development (CHD), local government units, public and private health facilities, relevant stakeholders, and other sectors on building digitally transformed health systems and ICT-related services;
  • Represent the DOH in national and international governance, accountability and policy exchange platforms related to digital health transformation;
  • Coordinate and collaborate with various DOH units, other government agencies, stakeholders, and development partners on digital health transformation; and
  • Advise the Secretary of Health on matters pertaining to digital health, data, information and knowledge management, and ICT services.

Director IV

Office of the Director

Mr. Bently D. Roxas, MSDM, MBA, MaEd

Director IV

Ms. Cherrie D. Esteban, MM

Officer-in-Charge Director III

Digital Health Unit

Cybersecurity Unit

Administrative Unit

Ms. Margaret G. Salonga
Administrative Officer IV

1. Manage the implementation of the Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) within KMITS, including preparation, review, consolidation, approval, submission, and monitoring of the following documents and reports:

  • All financial and logistical plans and related documents;
  • Budget deliberation (BD) and budget preparation (BP) and other related financial forms required by the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB);
  • Financial and physical performance reports; and
  • Budget accountability reports (BAR1) and budget execution documents (BED 2);

2. Manage the inventory, distribution, and tracking of DOH ICT assets and resources, including maintenance of appropriate records, and disposal of obsolete ICT equipment;

3. Manage and maintain office space, supplies and utilities, services, and documents and records;

4. Coordinate recruitment and hiring of KMITS personnel, including management of staff on/off-boarding, and consolidation and submission of employee performance evaluation; and

5. Manage KMITS compliance with cross-cutting requirements based on standard procedures and timelines in accordance to Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) and other relevant laws.

Information and Communications Technology Infrastructure and Security Division (ICTISD)

Engr. Robert S. Manuel
Division Chief / Information Technology Officer III

1. Plan, Design, and Manage the DOH ICT Infrastructure;

  • Oversee and manage cloud infrastructure and migration, including ensuring robust, scalable cloud solutions, and secured on-premise cloud hosting;
  • Design, implement, and maintain network architecture and databases; and
  • Manage the data center, including servers, data storage, backup, and recovery;

2. Plan, manage, and upgrade, if necessary, DOH ICT assets and resources, including hardware, software, and networking equipment;

3. Provide comprehensive ICT services to the DOH Central Office, ensuring reliable and secure internet and network connectivity, and ICT service continuity, quality and efficiency;

4. Implement, monitor, and maintain at all times cybersecurity measures to protect DOH digital assets and information, and secure DOH ICT applications, systems, and services; and

5. Provide capacity building and technical assistance related to ICT infrastructure and cybersecurity.

Data Center Management Unit
ICT Resource Management Unit
Network and Communications Unit
Cybersecurity Unit
eHealth Systems Division (ESD)

Ms. Cherrie D. Esteban, MM
Officer-in-Charge Director III and Concurrent Division Chief / Information Technology Officer III

1. Design, develop, implement, and maintain various DOH digital health solutions (e.g., electronic health/medical record systems, telemedicine platforms, mobile health solutions, registries, and other health information systems and applications);

2. Perform systems and software engineering, including setting and managing end-to-end security, integration, and interoperability of software applications, developing application programming interfaces (APIs), and ensuring standards compliance;

3. Implement, monitor, and maintain at all times cybersecurity measures to secure DOH digital health solutions; and

4. Provide capacity building and technical assistance related to DOH digital health solutions implementation, and systems and software engineering.

Help Desk Operation Support Section
Systems Development and Systems Configuration Management
Enterprise Architecure and Standards Development/Quality Assurance Section
Knowledge Management Division (KMD)

Mr. John Ulysses M. Galo
OIC – Division Chief / Information Officer IV

1. Lead the digital health planning, policy, architecture, and standards development, including establishing governance and program management for the interagency Digital Health Steering Committee;

2. Plan, design, and manage the DOH organizational knowledge and learning resources:

  • Design, develop, and manage DOH taxonomies, information architecture, and metadata for knowledge assets, including mechanisms from collection and processing to access and usage;
  • Manage and maintain the DOH Library, and ensure digital hygiene and upkeep;
  • Perform content management and maintenance of knowledge portals (e.g., DOH website, intranet) and collaboration platforms; and
  • Facilitate communities of practice in health;

3. Implement and manage the DOH enterprise data warehouse for storing and processing of health and health-related data;

4. Design and maintain dashboards and predictive analytics solutions for DOH policy and decision-makers and end-users;

5. Develop artificial intelligence and machine learning models for DOH applications, including application of natural language processing techniques for health and health-related data;

6. Develop, implement, and maintain the National Health Facility Registry, and various health maps, providing geographic information system (GIS) services;

7. Lead the DOH planning, policy, and governance, including establishing program management for the interagency work on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS);

8. Serve as the DOH Focal Unit for Freedom of Information (FOI) policy and standards implementation, processing of FOI requests, information disclosures, exemptions, and exceptions, and capacity building for FOI Decision Makers, Data Stewards and Receiving Officers within the DOH;

9. Manage the DOH Contact Center and IP Telephony System, and provide technical guidance on the adoption and use of similar technologies;

10. Manage the implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) within KMITS;

11. Manage the learning and development of all KMITS personnel; and

12. Provide capacity building and technical assistance related to data, information and knowledge management, and learning and development.

Institutional Knowledge Development and Resource Section

Lead and manage DOH knowledge management initiatives, encompassing policy and standards development, strategic and operational planning, program management, and performance monitoring and evaluation

Data Management and Innovation Science Section

Direct and manage DOH data-driven initiatives and innovations, covering policy and strategy, program management, knowledge portals and data solutions, and performance monitoring and evaluation

Information and Communications Technology Procurement Planning and Contract Management Division (ICTPPCMD)

Ms. Concepcion S. Liberan
Division Chief / Chief Administrative Officer

1. Oversee and manage ICT procurement in KMITS;

  • Prepare Terms of References, Purchase Requests, and other procurement-related documents, in coordination with concerned end-users;
  • Perform market study and vendor research;
  • Facilitate technical vetting with designated clearinghouses and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT);
  • Confirm compliance with clearinghouse and DICT recommendations and facilitate final sign-off by the KMITS Director, and the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for endorsement to the Procurement Service;
  • Lead the consolidation of the Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP), in coordination with the Administrative Unit; and
  • Participate in KMITS procurement-related activities as required by the Central Office Bids and Awards Committee (COBAC);

2. Conduct procurement vetting, clearance, and monitoring of ICT procurements across DOH Central Office, Centers for Health Development, DOH-retained Hospitals, Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, Sanitaria, and select Attached Agencies;

3. Maintain registry of ICT suppliers, contractors, and consultants within the DOH Central Office;

4. Manage ICT contracts and ensure contractor compliance and performance, including warranties and support, in coordination with concerned end-users;

5. Create and manage development assistance requests, and ensure efficient and effective implementation of the same through regular monitoring, in coordination with the Bureau of International Health Copperation (BIHC); and

6. Provide capacity building and technical assistance related to ICT procurement and contract management, and development assistance.

Address: Building 9, San Lazaro St, Santa Cruz, Manila, Metro Manila

Contact Nos: 8651 7800 loc. 1923

Email Address: [email protected]