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Practice Safe Sex
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) is fundamental to one’s overall health and well-being. People must be able to make informed decisions about their SRH, and be assured that their human rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled. Good SRH requires positive and respectful approaches to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as sexual experiences that are pleasurable, safe, and free from violence. This includes the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to reproduce.
Let’s be healthy all year long! Take on the Seven Healthy Habits Challenge!
Ngayong Nutrition Month, SHARE your favorite couples workout on your social media account! Physical activity and healthy eating is better done with a partner! Para sabay ang fun and sama-sama sa healthy! Alalahanin to #PracticeSafeSex and awra safely for a Healthy Pilipinas💚
Let’s practice the Seven Healthy Habits in our everyday life!
- If you are sexually active, undergo voluntary testing for HIV and STIs
- Know the different modern contraceptive methods, and use the ones that suit you best
- Make healthy decisions for a safe motherhood
- Practice safe sexual behaviors
- Demonstrate sex positivity
- Promote Equality for Women and LGBTQ+

Learn more about the Priority Area for Sexual and Reproductive Health through these videos:
7 Healthy Habits Tips
TVC for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Usap Tayo sa Family Planning atbp
Everyone is invited! Download the Health Promotion Playbooks and bring Healthy Pilipinas to your community!
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