As mandated by Republic Act 9257 (The Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003) and Republic Act 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010), the Healthy and Productive Ageing program focuses on promoting the health and wellness of senior citizens and alleviating the conditions of older persons who are encountering degenerative diseases. This program primarily aims to promote quality life among older persons and contribute to nation building through providing equitable access to quality healthcare.
A country where all Filipino senior citizens are able to live an improved quality of life through healthy and productive aging.
Implementation of a well-designed program that shall promote the health and wellness of senior citizens and improve their quality of life in partnership with other stakeholders and sectors.
- RA 9257 GMA Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003
- RA 9994 GMA Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
- RA 11223 RRD Universal Health Care Act
- Administrative Order No. 2010-0032-A Guidelines and Mechanisms to Implement the Provisions of Republic Act No. 9994, on the Sale of Medicines and the Sharing of the 20% Senior Citizens’ Discount
- Department Memorandum No. 2020-0384 Interim Guidelines on the Continuous Provision of Health Services for Senior Citizens amid C-19 Pandemic
PhilHealth Benefit Package
- Geriatric Training for Primary Service Providers
- Pre-retirement orientation and training
- Work in the Pipeline: Expansion of PhilHealth Package Utilizing CPG, 2019
- Philhealth
Local/Youth/CSOs, NGOs
- Department of Geriatric Services (formerly known as the National Center for Geriatric Health) of Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
- Coalition of Services of the Elderly
- Association of Department of Health Retired Employees
International Partners