Department of Health
Disease Prevention and Control Bureau
PD Organizational Chart
Omnibus Health Guidelines
- The Republic Act No. 11223 or the Universal Health Care Act, mandates the Department of Health to provide an integrated and comprehensive set of quality and cost-effective services covering the spectrum of care from promotion to palliative care. The Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB) released Administrative Order (AO) No. 2022-0018 or the Development and Utilization of the Omibus Health Guidelines per Lifestage which serves as the overarching policy integrating key policy provisions of various health programs and standards of care (SOC) based on the best available evidence, aimed to deliver health services through a life course approach.
The AO and each OHG per lifestage can be accessed through the link below:
- Administrative Order No. 2022-0018 “Development and Utilization of the Omnibus Health Guidelines per Lifestage”
- Omnibus Health Guidelines for Children 2022
- Omnibus Health Guidelines for Adolescents 2022
- Omnibus Health Guidelines for Adults 2022
- Omnibus Health Guidelines for Elderly 2022
- Omnibus Health Guidelines for Managers of Various Settings 2022
- For feedback and other inquiries, you may contact the DPCB – Evidence Generation and Management Division at [email protected].
Implementation Of National Practice Guidelines
Section 19 of the UHC Act states that the DOH, Department of Interior and Local Government, PhilHealth, and LGUs shall integrate local health systems into P/CWHS to address fragmentation issues in health service delivery and health systems management. Furthermore, Section 27 mandated the establishment of a mechanism for the development, adoption, and dissemination of CPGs. In line with this Administrative Order (AO) No. 2020-0037: Guidelines on Implementation of the Local Health Systems Maturity Levels (LHS ML) provided the mechanism for the monitoring of P/CWHS on their integration of the local health systems. The adoption and implementation of NPGs in P/CWHS is one of the key result areas (KRA) in the service delivery block under the referral system characteristics, per DOH Department Memorandum No. 2021-0277: FY 2021 Local Health Systems Maturity Levels (LHS ML) Annual Monitoring and Updated LHS ML Monitoring Tool. This Quick Guide on the Adoption and Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines and Other Case Management Protocols for Local Health Systems Maturity Level Monitoring is being disseminated to assist LGUs in achieving this KRA.
The DOH shall also lead the translation of NPGs into user-friendly Guideline Implementation Tools such as Clinician Support Tools, Patient Support Tools, Implementation Support Tools, and Evaluation Support Tools in accordance with AO No. 2022-0018. Department Memorandum (DM) No. 2022-0582 or the Interim Guidance on Developing Guideline Implementation Tools for the Omnibus Health Guidelines and Sample Clinician Support Tools for Hypertension was issued to provide interim guidance on the development process of Guideline Implementation Tools (GIT) and to translate selected SOCs in the OHG into user-friendly CSTs.
Compendium Of DOH-approved Clinical Practice Guidelines
With this, the following are designated as DOH-approved CPGs:
IATF Resolution NO.142
Interim Public Health And Clinical Guidance
With this, the following may be used by healthcare providers, policymakers, and the public for guidance during PHEs and EREIDs:

Additional Interim Guidance on the Management of Monkeypox

Interim Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Monkeypox Surveillance, Screening, Management, and Infection Control

Interim Guidance for the Diagnosis and Management of Scabies
The DPCB shall be divided into two main components specifically the System Integration Divisions and the Primary and Specialty Care Divisions.
- The Director III for System Integration shall have the following duties: Oversee the Policy, Planning, Research and Monitoring and Evaluation Divisions and sub-units of DPCB, and report Systems Integration work to the Director IV of the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau.
- Sign all policy, administrative and financial documents related to COVID-19 and directly report to the Public Health Services Team (PHST) Undersecretary for COVID-19 related concerns.
Asia’s pride in disease prevention and control
To lead and synchronize all efforts in disease prevention and control towards healthy families and communities through good Governance, Dynamic Partnership and Share Values.
Office for Sectoral Strategy and Standards
The DPCB – OSSS shall lead and oversee the life-stage based integration of evidence-based sectoral strategy and standards. In line with this, the DPCB – OSSS shall oversee the following DPCB divisions:
Evidence Generation and Management
a. Formulate and manage implementation of the DPCB priority topics for National Practice Guidelines (NPG) development and research agenda;
b. Lead the development of NPGs for priority topics, and and corresponding knowledge translation materials;
c. Lead the development of manual of procedure or algorithm for clinicians;
d. Assist the Technical Integration Team in developing evidence base for the development of standards of care for disease prevention and control;
e. Lead the development of strategies to capacitate evidence based service delivery by healthcare providers through a menu of assistance including toolkits, algorithms, evidence review support, and relevant clinical decision making support tools (i.e. UpToDate );
f. Capacitate DPCB staff and other stakeholders in evidence generation for internal policy development, such as but not limited to conduct of rapid reviews, standards of care, systematic reviews, research, surveys
g. Establish coordination platforms, scorecards, and coordination and dissemination strategies for evidence and research partners (i.e. Evidence consortium); and
h. Coordinate with HPDPB Research Division, DOST, UP-NIH and other evidence and research partners.
The six divisions below are content experts for individual and population-based services:
Specialty: Mental Health
Specialty: Cancer Control
Child Health Division
Elderly Health and Special Population Division
Adult Health Division
Adolescent and Maternal Health Division
a. Lead and contribute to the development of Omnibus Guidelines for all life stages.
b. Lead or contribute to the drafting of intervention papers and position papers and other vetting requests.
c. Lead the development of a sub-plan for the Integrated Disease Prevention and Control Strategic Investment Plan 2023-2028.
d. Provide technical inputs to the following:
i. Key policies to be developed.
ii. Standards for new medicines/technologies and compendium of Standard for Drugs, Medicines, Vaccines and Supplies.
iii. Integrated Disease Prevention and Control Monitoring and Evaluation Tool. iv. Organizational Development and Capacity building strategy and implementation plan for UHC and CDC, other training modules to be developed and updated and technical assistance for LGUs and CHDs.v. Sub-allotment guidelines to the Centers for Health and Development (CHDs) and other health Procurement documents.
e. Contribute to the development of the Manual of Operations for Primary Care Providers and Clinicians.
f. Contribute to the development of the primary care advocacy plan, and capacity – building plans, in coordination with the HPB and the Coordination and Implementation Support Division (CISD) under the Systems Integration Team.
g. Contribute technical indicators for the DPCB Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, and overall development of said framework
h. Engage with intersectoral and inter-agency partners in coordination with the Data and Partner Management Division, represent the bureau in disease-specific Technical Working Groups and perform secretariat functions as applicable.
i. Contribute to the development of the health care provider educational curriculum in coordination with the CISD, and in partnership with relevant DOH offices (e.g. HHRDB).
j. Develop and update national policies, strategies and plans based on frameworks issued by the Systems Integration Team.
k. Accomplish proposals and consolidate complete documents and application packets for Philippine Health Insurance Corporation benefit packages, Philippine National Formulary, Price Negotiation, and Health Technology and Assessment consistent with templates developed by the Systems Integration Team.
l. Draft position papers and endorse legislative bills for disease-specific legislation necessary for disease prevention and control.
m. Represent the bureau in designated Technical Working Groups.
n. Engage with intersectoral and inter-agency partners.
o. Represent the bureau in designated speaking engagements.
p. Perform other functions identified by the Director III and Director IV.
Health System Strengthening Division
a. Lead the development of integrated disease prevention and control strategic plans for primary care services, investments, and capacity building
b. Develop governing frameworks integrating disease programs and its implications to health service delivery and access strategies, health regulation, health financing, governance and performance accountability
c. Contribute systems indicators for the DPCB Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, and overall development of said framework
d. Develop and coordinate sectoral and internal systems and processes for health policy development for disease prevention and control, including relevant technical assistance to DOH, national government agencies, implementing units, and partner institutions
e. Lead development of plans and processes on transitioning and managing provision of public health commodities, consistent with the Universal Health Care Act and the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling
f. Lead prioritization and endorsement of DPCB proposals for Health Technology Assessment, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation benefit package development, and other sectoral policy work.
g. Develop governing frameworks on role delineation between DPCB vis-a-vis other DOH offices;
h. Coordinate with HPDPB, HHRDB, HFDB, Pharmaceutical Division, PhilHealth, and other relevant offices
The six divisions below are content experts for individual and population-based services:
Specialty: Mental Health
Specialty: Cancer Control
Child Health Division
Elderly Health and Special Population Division
Adult Health Division
Adolescent and Maternal Health Division
a. Lead and contribute to the development of Omnibus Guidelines for all life stages.
b. Lead or contribute to the drafting of intervention papers and position papers and other vetting requests.
c. Lead the development of a sub-plan for the Integrated Disease Prevention and Control Strategic Investment Plan 2023-2028.
d. Provide technical inputs to the following:
i. Key policies to be developed.ii. Standards for new medicines/technologies and compendium of Standard for Drugs, Medicines, Vaccines and Supplies.iii. Integrated Disease Prevention and Control Monitoring and Evaluation Tool. iv. Organizational Development and Capacity building strategy and implementation plan for UHC and CDC, other training modules to be developed and updated and technical assistance for LGUs and CHDs.v. Sub-allotment guidelines to the Centers for Health and Development (CHDs) and other health Procurement documents.
e. Contribute to the development of the Manual of Operations for Primary Care Providers and Clinicians.
f. Contribute to the development of the primary care advocacy plan, and capacity – building plans, in coordination with the HPB and the Coordination and Implementation Support Division (CISD) under the Systems Integration Team.
g. Contribute technical indicators for the DPCB Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, and overall development of said framework
h. Engage with intersectoral and inter-agency partners in coordination with the Data and Partner Management Division, represent the bureau in disease-specific Technical Working Groups and perform secretariat functions as applicable.
i. Contribute to the development of the health care provider educational curriculum in coordination with the CISD, and in partnership with relevant DOH offices (e.g. HHRDB).
j. Develop and update national policies, strategies and plans based on frameworks issued by the Systems Integration Team.
k. Accomplish proposals and consolidate complete documents and application packets for Philippine Health Insurance Corporation benefit packages, Philippine National Formulary, Price Negotiation, and Health Technology and Assessment consistent with templates developed by the Systems Integration Team.
l. Draft position papers and endorse legislative bills for disease-specific legislation necessary for disease prevention and control.
m. Represent the bureau in designated Technical Working Groups.
n. Engage with intersectoral and inter-agency partners.
o. Represent the bureau in designated speaking engagements.
p. Perform other functions identified by the Director III and Director IV.
Office for Implementation Strategy and Coordination
The DPCB – OISC shall lead and oversee the strategy development and coordination of disease-based program implementation towards primary care integration, and alignment between DPCB OISS and OISC.It shall likewise support . local health systems to ensure readiness to implement programs at the local level, and provide necessary assistance to local government units (LGUs) to strengthen and ensure responsive service delivery. In this regard, the DPCB – OISC shall oversee the following DPCB divisions:
Finance, Supply Chain Monitoring Division
a. Formulate investment and budget plans for disease prevention and control and develop integrated annual procurement plan of the DPCB in line with the National Allocation Framework;
b. Lead in the procurement and supply chain reforms and directions for disease prevention and control;
c. Develop strategies and process flows for monitoring financial performance (procurement, utilization, disbursement) and physical performance (inventory, warehousing, distribution management) of DPCB procured commodities in collaboration with other offices;
d. Establish mechanisms for market studies and conduct scanning activities for priority commodities to ensure feasibility of procurement;
e. Develop a compendium of technical standards for drugs, vaccines, and other commodities;
f. Facilitate resolution of Audit Observation Memorandum (AOM) relevant to DPCB;
g. Liaise completion of procurement, finance, and logistics documents with relevant offices;
h. Ensure appropriate consolidation, review, and storage of all procurement and logistic documents;
i. Coordinate with relevant offices, DPCB regional coordinators, and external stakeholders to ensure timely delivery of procured drugs and commodities;
j. Establish coordination platforms, scorecards, and coordination and dissemination strategies for relevant procurement stakeholders (i.e. procuring entities, suppliers) of the DPCB; and
k. Coordinate with SCMO, PS, and FMS.
Partnership and Data Management Division
a. Develop an integrated partner engagement and collaboration strategy & management mechanism;
b. Lead the development of a bureau-wide Technical Assistance (TA) agenda;
c. Develop a bureau-wide calendar along with a calendar management strategy for key activities of the DPCB, and maintain such calendar
d. Consolidate, coordinate, and develop integrated information system products of the DPCB for both sectoral and internal office performance monitoring
e. Lead the development of an integrated M&E framework for DPCB reinforcing life stage and systems approach, the Primary Care Tracker and the oneDPCB app, and its dissemination;
f. Establish coordination platforms, scorecards, and coordination and dissemination strategies for development partners and technical assistances of the DPCB
g. Establish coordination platforms, scorecards, and coordination and dissemination strategies for development partners and on concerns related to technical assistance and health information systems;
h. Coordinate with BIHC, EB, and KMITS.
Coordination and Implementation Support Division
a. Lead in the development and implementation of the DPCB & Centers for Health Development (CHD) Counterpart Organizational Development and Capacity Building Strategy;
b. Develop a menu of assistance for CHDs and LGUs and corresponding operational strategies to build implementation capacity which shall include commodities, cash grants, trainings, toolkits, technical assistance, and other support materials;
c. Lead the development of guidelines for incentivizing integrated disease prevention and control for Province- and City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS), including guidelines on grants, sub-allotments, and templates engagement Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs);
d. Develop allocation plans for DPCB procured commodities consistent with on-the-ground needs and performance;
e. Monitor support of DPCB and evaluate performance of CHDs and P/CWHS for integrated disease prevention and control;
f. Develop and implement integrated implementation reviews by P/CWHS;
g. Establish coordination platforms, scorecards, and coordination and dissemination strategies for CHDs and local governments; and
h. Coordinate with FICT and CHDs.
Health System Strengthening Division
a. Lead the development of integrated disease prevention and control strategic plans for primary care services, investments, and capacity building
b. Develop governing frameworks integrating disease programs and its implications to health service delivery and access strategies, health regulation, health financing, governance and performance accountability
c. Contribute systems indicators for the DPCB Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, and overall development of said framework
d. Develop and coordinate sectoral and internal systems and processes for health policy development for disease prevention and control, including relevant technical assistance to DOH, national government agencies, implementing units, and partner institutions
e. Lead development of plans and processes on transitioning and managing provision of public health commodities, consistent with the Universal Health Care Act and the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling
f. Lead prioritization and endorsement of DPCB proposals for Health Technology Assessment, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation benefit package development, and other sectoral policy work.
g. Develop governing frameworks on role delineation between DPCB vis-a-vis other DOH offices;
h. Coordinate with HPDPB, HHRDB, HFDB, Pharmaceutical Division, PhilHealth, and other relevant offices
National Vaccinations Center (NVOC) Transition Team
The National Vaccination Operations Center (NVOC)shall also be transferred from the Field Implementation and Coordination Team (FICT) to the PHST under the DPCB OISC to ensure synergistic coordination of COVID-19 and other DOH programs with CHDs, LGUs,partners and other stakeholders. The NVOC shall also be gradually transitioned to include other health programs/interventions especially those for vaccine-preventable diseases.