July 1992 - January 1995
Perhaps the most popular Secretary of Health was Dr. JM Flavier. Buoyant and hilarious, he was right for the mass immunization and micronutrient implementation campaign that marked his administration. With the battle cry “Let’s DOH it” he popularized the programs and projects of the Department and injected excitement in the early years of his administration. He encouraged participation of non-governmental organizations in the DOH projects and was able to tap industrial sectors. During his term, Barangay Health Workers were organized and among the many projects initiated were: Healthy Places Initiative, Stop D.E.A.T.H Program, National Voluntary Blood Service Program, Oplan Sagip Mata, Yosi Kadiri, Doctors to the Barrios Project, Hataw Fitness Program, Pusong Pinoy, and Hospitals as Center for Wellness Program.
However, the internal turmoil following the devolution of the field health services persisted. Municipal Health Officers organized and demanded for their legal benefits. Catholic groups doubted the purity of the tetanus toxoid vaccines. Essential drugs as antibiotics for tuberculosis and vaccine s for Heaptitis B failed to arrive on time. There were no less than 13 different communities processing various financial transactions.
Like Secretary Bengzon, Secretary Flavier resigned to run for senatorial seat, which, this time, was successfully obtained. Senator Flavier chaired the Senate Committee on Social Justice and Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples.