Advisory on the deployment of Doctors to the Barrios (DTTBs) to Cebu City
By 2030, the DOH envisions a Healthy Pilipinas wherein healthy governance, healthy settings, and health-literate individuals are present, and achieving optimum health for every Filipino is possible.
The DOH together with its partners shall make healthy behaviors the easier choice for everyone, every time, everywhere. In achieving a Healthy Pilipinas, health is a shared responsibility of all Filipinos and all sectors of society. Thus, everyone has a role in making an impact in promoting health.
Policies should be in place to address the various social determinants of health and ensure that services are equitably provided especially to Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) and Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Areas (SoEDA).
The vision also includes that every aspect of a Filipino’s life is healthy and health-promoting. This includes their physical, social, political, and economic environment; as well as the healthcare services they are able to access. Environments where Filipinos live, study, or work must make the healthy choice not only possible but the easy and obvious choice.
All these make it possible for Filipinos, most especially the youth, to be literate on health issues, to understand and act on their right to health, and to navigate the health system. In a
Healthy Pilipinas, Filipinos practice healthy habits and behaviors from a young age, with the understanding that their fellow Filipinos, their communities, and their country stand behind them in ensuring their right to health.
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